Are You State Of The Art?
We would all like to be creative. Be able to draw like Michelangelo. throws a wrench into most pipe dreams. With the help of digitalization, who knows where your talent will lead you.
Just don't give up your day job.

Funny Phrases
There are certain terms or phrases we hear everyday that has immediate humorous connotations. Today's Compu-toon captured one of them. There are several others that stands out as well. I hope I can find the time to do a pamphlet on a collection someday. In the meantime, "keep your nose to the grindstone."

Is Your Landline Still Active?
Ever since I was a kid I have always dreaded changes. I always wanted things to stay the same. I just recently learned that changes is a must and we need to adjust to it. My stubborn personality tends  to reactivate my childhood feelings when it comes to adapting to  changes technology keeps forcing on us. 
This is why I refuse to give up my landline phone. It serves me well. Why change? It is just a matter of time before it ends up in storage like the rabbit ears.
How Innovative Are You When Starting From Scratch?
The today's Compu-toon is somewhat confusing if you do not know the history of the strip. I often like to bring out the two castaways to remind us how dependable we have become on technology and how we would react if we didn't have it around. 
The challenges the two castaways face brings out the humor that is reflected in every panel.

Are You A Microwave Or A Toaster Type Of A Person?
I'm still leery when using a microwave. Anything that produce waves that you can't see with the naked eye is scary to me. At least with a toaster you are getting true even flow of harmless electricity.